Saturday, March 28, 2009

Maiden Voyage

Wow. I am psyched about the turn of the weather so we can be outside on bikes! And double-wow, the bikes are awesome!!! This morning Jules, Amy and I ventured out for a quick 18 mile ride through a couple surrounding towns, got a feel for our legs out on the road again, tested out our new rides... heaven!

Thanks to Niantic Bay Bicycles and Amity Bikes, the Jamis and Cannondale are super sweet and will serve us well over the next few years. Absolutely delightful to ride on, comfortable, not to mention super pretty! It was so "easy" and smoooooth. I love the bike! What a difference it makes in the weight, the shifters, everything. I can't believe it.

It was a little bit cold still, especially since I didn't have warm fuzzy socks on. Jules was the only one who wore her woolies, and I was a smidgy jealous. My toes were FROZEN and even though I insisted I had frostbite (anxiety anyone?) Dr. Amy assured me I didn't, and of course, when I got home, my toes were intact, albeit frozen together. Almost. I'm definitely wearing woolies next early morning ride if it's under 50 degrees.
How to dress approprietly is still an issue with us - you don't want too many layers, but you don't want to be cold; there is nothing worse than being cold on the bike, in my opinion. Amy went through several options before settling on the same thing she started out with on. Jules was the only [safe] one sporting glasses - I'll have to check ebay for some cheapies.

I have a slight issue with a runny nose when I participate in sports, not sure what that's all about. It only tends to be an issue in close quarters training with people. I am very conscious of where I aim the farmers shot, but on a rare occassion, my aim and my sense of space is off. Sorry in advance to all my fellow swimming/running/riding buddies, for this season, in the event you are christened. Last summer I nailed a new friend Ralph - didn't realize his bike was so close to mine. Sorry Ralph - again. (Gosh that was kind of funny though!) And this morning, a fresh start to outdoor biking wouldn't be just that unless Amy was close enough to accidentally get a sample on her tire... or pedal... or was it your shoe? I know, it's gross, but it's just one of those things. Some people can't hold their excrements while exercising, I can't hold my snoogies.

I was happy to have gotten outside today if only for a short quickie, it felt great! Looking forward to another. As promised--the camera was in one of my pockets--- I did find out it is mighty difficult to snap a photo, a decent one, while riding. Jules really wanted to stop, but I thought an adventure, on-the-go shot was more appropriate.

Clearly, the over my helmet shot is not going to work.

I realize this is not much better, but you get the idea!

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