Thursday, March 12, 2009

"Low" talk

When Betsey has high or low blood sugars, I can usually tell right away - her mood changes, she acts differently, she's annoyed, or quick, or aloof... Most times I have to call her on it b/c she is still in a phase where she wishes it away, often. Her thought process is something like, if she doesn't do anything about it, high or low, it will just *go away* and she'll be done with diabetes. The idea of pulling out her meter and testing, having to have juice or give a correction with her pump, while it doesn't seem like much to me ("Just do it, Bets!") to her, those minutes are minutes she'd rather be just doing. Time wasted as far as she's concerned. She's 11, for heavens sake. There are more important things going on.

We've been adjusting her basal settings recently on her pump to fix some after dinner/before bed lows, not a good thing, and last night she dropped after dinner again. Our puppy is driving me bonkers and everyone else, too. Betsey was in charge of laundry last night and was in the process of trying to pick up the pile everyone throws down the stairs as they hop in the shower. The puppy was nipping at her feet, pouncing on her, she was giggling in an annoyed way, but her laugh was so tired--her energy depleted, completely. I could hear it in her giggle. She was low, but not wanting to agknowledge it.

I was cleaning off the catch-all island with papers and in the midst of the laundry/puppy disaster, told her, "Here Bets, these are yours too, please put them away," to which she snapped, "I know, I'm doing laundry right now!" Now when one of the little people in the house are snippy, sometimes I say, "Oops, back up... try again..." so they repeat what they're trying to say in a nice way, a more pleasant tone, if you will. So I said that annoying line to her... She repeats herself, still snippy. And I said, "Bets, a pleasant 'Just a minute please' would be sufficient," and she said it again, in a sing-song-pleasant-in-your-face-happy way, to which I replied, "See, that's sufficient," and she said, "I'm efficient."

I nearly fell over laughing. I told her to stop and test right now. She was clearly low. She thought I was having her repeat after me, and thought I told her to say, "Just a minute please, I'm efficient."

Awww, Betsey.

She was 45. Way low. Treated with juice and a temporary rate before bed.

1 comment:

  1. Bets,
    Wow! You should of listened to your mom right away!! HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol C u tomorrow -Sophia D
