Sunday, March 22, 2009


I used to wince at the idea of being up super early and getting my daily dose of endorphines up and kicking. I was an afternoon gym girl. Until I realized what mother nature offered to the select few out at day break. It's almost a reward, really, for dragging yourself up and out of the cozy sheets and wiggling into workout clothes, eyes barely opened, limbs barely cooperating. I can't tell you how many sunrises I have witnessed over Long Island Sound at the wee hours of the morning through the summer - everything from crystal clear perfect mornings, to overcast with the sun aching to burn through the clouds, foggy with mist coating my eyebrows, warm rainy mornings, humid stagnant heat -- they're all different, all exhilerating. Colder months in the early morning are not as fun, nor as often because the light comes later and I have a tight morning schedule in which to get my "free" time in. That's not to say they are any less rewarding on the days I am out in them.

Recently I took my camera and tripod down to Knollwood and captured the sunrise over the Sound. Wow. There was a slight cloud cover against the horizon in NY so I didn't get the sun actually breaking the surface, but rather seeping through the clouds into her glory. It was c-o-l-d on this day, but you'd never know it from the pictures. The sun looks so warm and balmy. It could easily be mistaken for a sunset with the warm tones.

These are the sights that keep me going in the early mornings; whether it's on a bike or on my feet. A little extra umph. Loaf it. Although, our 7 mile run this morning with the wind whipping at us for probably 5 of the 7 miles around the beach loop - felt like one long hill - the "warm" sunrise wasn't quite enough in mid-March to give me the warm fuzzies like it does in the heat of the summer. Soon....

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