Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Best Smile!

(Jersey Shore, 2010)

(Going at that ball!)

(Checking sugars on the field hockey field.)

Betsey came home with the news today that she won the Superlative for the yearbook
of "Best Smile."

Her smile exudes so much - no wonder she won!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


I have a new nephew - Tyler David! I was at his birth on December 5! My sister Hillary had her 6th baby - just like us! And it was a complete treat to be there with her and her husband as she labored and gave birth! I brought my camera and photographed the journey! I absolutely love the event of birth, from the beginning to end, and I was so happy when she said I could come to this one, too! I am a sucker for babies, and holding that little person minutes after he was born was so gratifying I can not tell you. Somethign about the smell and touch and sound of a new baby that melts me right to my core. Yummy.

Congrats to Hillary and her family!