Saturday, May 2, 2009

Morning Glory Muffins

Some things are just meant to be....

This morning was a big morning in terms of training. Four of us were set to do a sprint tri for training. Half an hour in the pool, jump on bikes for a tough 12 mile bike, and then off for a 3.2 mile run. The YMCA doesn't open until 7am so we were able to sleep in a bit, always a luxury these days. Although, waking at 6:00 always seems a little late.

My bag was packed, my body was fueled up and ready to go. Amy picked me up on time (always) and we met Maureen and Jen at the pool. Clothing layers off. Swim caps and goggles on. The four of us sat by the edge of the pool for about 5 minutes, dangling our piggies in the 79 degree water contemplating our swim... should we swim for a straight half an hour? Maybe do some drills? How about I write it down on the white board so we have some direction? Or coffee?
The look on Jen's face was priceless.

Amy agreed, jokingly, waiting to be talked out of it. Certainly that wouldn't be my job.

I said, "I dare you to get out of the pool and go for coffee!"

She wasn't even in the pool...

Up she went, ripped off her cap and goggles... I jumped up, giggling like a catholic school girl who just decided to chew gum in went my cap and goggles...

Maureen and Jen looked dumbfounded. Maureen face read "Are you for real? Blow off a training day? I'm in!" and up she got, ripped off her cap quicker than I ripped off mine. We started walking towards the door to leave, Jen dragging her feet behind, mouth open, cap and goggles still on....

I have told her on numerous occasions that her mother would not have let us hang out when we were younger.

Into the locker room we go, my adrenaline was rushing. Why was this so bad? Why was it so careless? Why did it feel so good? The pathetic thing is, this is naughty behavior for us. And it cracks me up!

We get outside and Jen had barely uttered four words. I think her legs were just walking for her, her conscious still in the pool room. I love that about Jen - always wanting to do the right thing. Always thinking about the repercussions. And I love that I can help her to wiggle outside of her comfort zone.
Then we all realized we didn't have our wallets. No one had any money! Maureen suggested we use her husband's stash of just-in-case-cash, but when she looked, there was none. And then Jen found Mr. Fancy Pants' wallet -- 2 twenties and some singles. Paydirt!!

Off to a local yokel muffin joint we went for omelets and a morning glory muffin, grilled please, for Maureen. A lovely hour of coffee and conversation.
It was a morning meant to be. It's days like this I savor and love about the people I train with.
Thanks Mr. Fancy Pants for breakfast! Next time, though, I vote for a brunch!

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