Monday, May 18, 2009

Blood work & Speedo's 30-miler

Betsey had her blood work done this morning. I think we do it every 2 years at this point. The work up is for a cholesterol screening, celiac disease screening and a thyroid check. Maybe a couple other things in there too. For someone who pokes themselves so often and sees blood on a regular basis, it's hard to watch them quiver in the chair prior to getting stuck by someone else. The nurse who drew her blood was so sweet and lovely, walked her through it completely right down to the terminology of the things she was using (love that!) I had the 2 littles with us, so they watched wide eyed and I held her hand. They only needed 2 vials, but it was 2 vials too many for my girl! After the poke to get the needle in, her eyes welled up and several tears dripped down her beautiful face. :( It was over in a matter of minutes, but it was traumatic for her. Luckily we only have to do that once in a while.

On a happy note-Speedo, Jen and I went out for Speedo's first real bike ride this weekend! 30 miles that booger did with us! I was impressed. Only his 3rd time out on the bike!! He had done a few spin classes the 2 days in a row prior and all day Saturday complained about sore ars. You can imagine the pity party I threw him.....

The funny thing was that it was in the morning - a time when Speedo does not work out, nor is he in his best form, read: happy. It takes him a good hour to wake up and feel out the day. So the ride to Jen's was ....quiet... we didn't chat much. He was getting a feel for his legs on the bike and his breathing, cause he was workin'!

Speedo wears glasses... well, he's supposed to wear them. Of course he didn't have them on the morning of the bike ride, but if he had had them on, he would have seen the stick, ok, large log with feelers on the road in his path. I was about 5 feet behind him and heard a loud ka-CHUNK-thug-rattle-grrrrrrr.-hissssssssssssss.... and noticed right away, the stick was stuck in his tire/chain. I don't know if he didn't know it was there, or just decided to ignore it for a few pedal strokes, but he kept on pedaling-?! I dropped back even more not knowing what his plan was........again, it was early in the morning and he's not a morning person.

Just before I was about to announce that he had something, a rawther large hunk of wood, hanging onto his bike and he might want to dismount and detach the extra object - in case he didn't know it was there - he very abruptly took his sneaker out of his cage and proceeded to kick at it so hard that his bike was swerving and I thought, Sweet Mother of Abraham Lincoln, is this how the bike ride is going to go? He disengaged the piece of wood from his bike after a few more vigorous kicks and side swipes with his foot and continued on...just like that. I really wanted to go up next to him and make sure he was 'good to go' but decided to give him his space. Plus, I was laughing, really laughing.... That would not have gone over well and I am quite sure, he would have ended his bike ride right there at about that 3/4 mile mark.
It was a fine 30 miles after that and I look forward to the next one with him. Always something to send me into a laughing tizzy working out with him..... One time I'll, share about our time at the gym together....

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