Sunday, May 24, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

3 day weekends are always nice, for many reasons. One is that I can get extra time in the morning to get a good, solid workout in and not have to rush home for Speedo to leave for work. I don't feel the stress of starting at a crazy hour in the morning and worrying about making sure I can get in what's in "the plan" before the magic hour that hits when I know I have to be home to start my Mommy duties.

Saturday there was a local road race in town for a great cause remembering a local runner who lost his battle with cancer at a young age. Jen and I ran it together. Great course-an out and back, flat, by the water. A quick easy 5 mile run.

Jen, Aim and I went out for desserts and a glass of wine last night to celebrate.... oh yea, there wasn't anything to celebrate because we as women and mothers do not need an excuse to go out and celebrate with chocolate desserts. Ever. And I knew I needed those carbs for my ride in the morning. Our chocolate desserts were served on dinner plates and doused with syrup, ganache, frosting, morsels, whipped cream. It was like heaven on Main Street!

This morning 6 of us did a great 50 miler bike route - a very pleasant ride. I didn't find it terribly challenging but rather enjoyable and comfortable. A new route is always good for a change. I have not fallen off my bike - yet - with my clip shoes but I think of it every time we have to come to a stop. I make sure I disengage the clips before stopping, very conscious of the fact that if I don't unclip, I will topple over. We came to a stop sign this morning, and for whatever reason, I didn't unclip..... and then I was just about at a dead stop and went to take my foot and put it on the pavement, a natural reaction.... my foot wasn't moving - I forgot to unclip!

That is a scary feeling! I haven't fallen off my bike since, geez, I don't even remember when the last time was! I kind of panicked and I jerked my foot so hard and twisted my ankle in a dire attempt to get it out, and just saved my butt from falling right down. I had that feeling you must get when you're clipped in and you fall. It's like you just have to go with it, there is nothing you can do--you are attached to your bike and it's falling, and so are you. Man, that would have hurt. Rattled me for a second.

The skies were a little ominous and at one point, too... about 30 miles into the ride, we got hit with hail out of nowhere. Some of those little suckers hurt! It passed quickly. By the time I got home, as I pulled in the driveway, the thunder and lightening had started and I had to race to put my bike away! Always an adventure. Here's a Knock Knock joke for you I shared today-always makes me laugh doing it to someone!

Knock Knock?

Who's there?

Interrupting Cow.

Interrupting co....


We have a parade tomorrow in town and Betsey will be marching with the school band. I'm a little nervous about it. She will be out and about, on the road for quite a few hours between drop off at the designated location and the end of the parade. It is through snack time for her, and she'll need to carry all of her goodies and supplies with her and rely on her sensor for quick blood sugar checks. Of course she can always scootch out to the side and test if she has to if she feels low, but knowing Betsey, she probably wouldn't do it because she'd be afraid of causing a commotion. As always, with something new, the fear of the unknown & I feel a little loss of the control because I don't have a set plan. In the morning I will make sure we have a plan in place.

To my knowledge, she has never dropped low playing her instrument, though I always thought it would be a problem. Maybe I was mixing that up with that light-headedness you get when you blow up balloons?

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