Monday, September 28, 2009

Niantic Bay Half Marathon

On Sunday Jen, Jill, Kerry, Robyn & I ran the Niantic Bay Half Marathon! They forecasted rain and boy did we get rain!

We managed to stay somewhat dry until the race began. I worried about the wetness affecting my run, but it actually didn't in the least. It sort of felt good because the air was somewhat humid and heavy, and the rain was like a pleasant summer shower.

Alright, not really, but it was all good.

Amy's husband was doing the 5K run that started just before the Half, and so Speedo had a double reason for coming over with the children.

And then there are little thigs like ketones that change plans up a bit.

Betsey's pump was alarming when I got up and Speedo ran in to test her. She was high. Hovering 400. Site change was Saturday and as I try and relinquish some of the control, site change doesn't always happen as it should - not to say I remembered every time myself, but with the responsibility on Betsey, she tends to poo-poo it and let it go.

And then we have problems.....

Like high blood sugars.

I grabbed a new site for her, and she wanted to change it herself. She was high before bed as well and this should have been an clear indication that she should have changed her site last night.

Relinquishing control. Finding out where the boundaries are. When to let it go......

She corrected the high with a bolus from her pump. I made sure she didn't feel sick to her stomach because I was leaving. She said she felt fine. I double checked. She was good.

I got a call from Speedo about 6 minutes into our car ride over to the race. Betsey felt sick. Jen immediately asked if I wanted to go back home. I talked it out with Speedo and then Betsey. We concocted a plan, set things in motion to get her sugar down quickly. I instructed Speedo to give her a shot, put on the temporary rate on her pump.

Start the flushing. Ketones were obviously present, though maybe not in too large quantities. She didn't think she was going to get sick (throw up.) This was good. This made me feel a bit better about being away from her.

I have never not been with Betsey when she has had ketones. Ever. One time I was in the pool early in the morning and she woke up sick and I jolted out of the pool to go home. She usually wants her Mom. The thought of going home came into my head, and left as quickly as it came when Betsey said she wasn't going to throw up. I spoke with her several more times before the race began and Speedo decided they'd stay home because of the way the morning had gone. If Betsey was out and about and then felt nauseous, it wouldn't be a good thing. Ketone induced sickness is so bad. She feels downright near death.

A final check of Betsey's sugar before the race and it was on its way down, just under 300 mg/dl so I gave out more instructions, felt comfortable because she didn't feel sick anymore, put the phone away and headed out for a final bathroom run.

The race was a double loop through a really pretty part of the town, around the water and through a cute little neighborhood. I was surprised and happy to see John and Jules there on the sidelines cheering us on - in the rain - and Amy's family as well as we came in from the first loop! What a great support group! Jen and I paced together; Jill, Kerry and Robyn going at their own race pace.

The final mile got my knee, but I sucked it up, stopped to stretch a few times and finished in agony, happy to take that final step over the finish mat with Jen right by my side! I got some ice and iced it the rest of the day.

I felt great the whole run! It was a great slow pace, very comfortable and I could have run more had my knee not acted up! I told Jen we're doing a full one next year-26.2! For sure! What a fun day!

The biggest surprise was to see my family at the finish line yelling and screaming!! Speedo had stabilized Betsey and packed them all up to come over for the finish! I was thrilled they could make it for that final stretch!

It was a great morning - despite the soggies and sickies. I can't wait for a few more faster and shorter distance road races this year, and then to officially be on the "off season" and "rest." ;)

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