Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Bubbles and Ketones

I think Spring has arrived.....really. Yesterday's weather was so unbelievably lovely in CT, it made me want to exercise ALL day! Of course, that's just not an option, but the feeling was there.

Betsey had clinic yesterday and Speedo came with us for the first time! Its good for him to know and see and listen to what the appointment is all about. I always get something from the appointments myself; always a new tid bit, or a helpful hint, or some new information about upcoming products. Plus, I love the fact the doctor we meet with is also a diabetic and wears the same pump and CGMS as Betsey. I see Betsey light up ever so quietly when the doctor discusses "stuff" with her; a common ground between them, a connection that they have amidst the rest of us in the room. They get it. They get each other.

Betsey's A1c - remarkably - was down from last visit! Again, shocker. Every time, I kid you not, every time, I am surprised by what it is. Betsey had gone off the pump sometime mid-February, and was doing shots since then up until about a week ago. There are so many variables with shots, so many less convenient ways around diabetes... But in Betsey's eyes, it's a break. A break from a needle in her bum, a break from wearing a beeper sized apparatus tucked here, there and everywhere. So we welcome and accept that And we go with it.

Betsey is back on the pump, and things were going just OK a week into it. We made some adjustments to her settings at clinic; her clock had flipflopped the am/pm and so her basals and insulin:carbs were off because of it. A note to self: when restarting apparatuses with time features, always check settings prior to use. OOPS!

I have said to others with children with diabetes and others in the general population.... when you least expect it................. when things have been cruising along, you get slammed.

I went to my crossfit class at 5:30 this morning, and was about 1/2 way through the workout and my instructor came over to me and yelled in my face over the blaring heavy metal music, "YOUR HUSBAND CALLED. HE SAID SOMEONE IS SICK!"

"It's Betsey," I said. I knew. I flew out of there.

Her sugar was hovering 500 mg/dl. Failed site. No insulin for quite some time over night. She had been high for hours. I made some coffee. She sat on the couch moaning, until the moan turned into a call for me to come and help her. Time to walk to the bathroom.

Throw up cycle one. We only had 2 today.....

Ketones were definitely present, though I didn't have her give me a urine specimen to check to see the levels. I just knew. Speedo had given her a shot before I got home, Betsey had changed her site, and then I overhauled their whole plan in an attempt to get her sugars down and flush the ketones in my overbearing, controlling mind.

The day was a-wash. Betsey stayed home. Her sugars stabilized by afternoon, but she was not even close to being able to go to school. She was tired. Not tired. She was wiped. We gallivanted around town, doing the things I do on my Wednesday free days - I am childless - happy to have her along for the ride. She's such good company, though today, she spoke little, and smiled even less. :( We packed a bag and relished the itty bitty bits of sunshine and the warmth the day gave us and sat at the beach for an hour. Just us. No talking, except for my random 'Mr. Sun 'songs when the fog and clouds destroyed my Vitamin D absorption.

It was a ketone day.

I hate ketone days.

Betsey hates ketone days. Luckily we don't have them too often and we manage them without visits to the ER. And calls to Yale. Bonus.

Back to life as we know it tomorrow, minus ketones.

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