Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Bets woke up this morning with a low grade fever.

I went to spin class this morning and a sixth sense told me to leave early. I left during the last song. I stretched quickly and headed home, not expecting to find anything or see some crazy spectacle near my house, but leaving early isn't something I do; I actually wish the class was longer if anything.

But I thought I should leave early. A mom thing? That feeling?

I saw Speedo off to work and headed upstairs to do the morning roll call and help with clothes and beds. When I got out of the shower, Betsey was still in bed - not good place to be 25 minutes before the bus is coming - so I went to her and she coughed. She's had a lingering cough that has been bothering her and while it sounded the same, none for the worse, she felt sick.

Sure enough, the thermometer confirmed my suspicions. Low grade fever coupled with that dry cough.

Swine flu? She hasn't gotten the H1N1 vaccine yet, and I'm still on the fence about it. The hysteria makes it all seem so horrible but some cases I've seen are perfectly fine and the kids are just tired and out of it from the fever. Then there are the documented cases of the littles who get it, or the ones with compromised immune systems, and they're not so lucky with the mild symptoms. There's another vaccine clinic in a week or so and I will have appointments for the baby and one for Betsey, but I'm not sure if we'll in fact get it for them.

In 5 minute intervals, 2 more children approached me with 'that look.' One of them was up in the middle of the night with a croupy cough and seems to have developed more symptoms throughout the night. Thermometer checks confirmed they both have fevers as well.

Betsey's numbers have been running on the higher side, hovering 200's - typical of an indication of her fighting something. Hopefully a good nights sleep and some rest tomorrow will have her back to normal.

This is Fall in the northeast. The sickies have begin! Ick.

If I don't start oinking from being surrounded by all these possible cases of swine flu, all the Halloween candy may surely get me oinking

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