Tuesday, July 28, 2009

If Only...

There are a couple of things in life that tickle me pink like nothing else.... one of them are sandy, salty kiddies after a very long beach day. I love being at the ocean in Rhode Island... the waves, the sounds, the smells... It's very calming and soothing and my children love the atmosphere there. I capture my favorite shots of the 6 little blondies all year long there! If only they liked having their pictures taken.

What I think captivates me the most is the way little people are at the beach. They seldom argue with each other (now that I've said that the rest of the summer is going to be WWIII), they tire themselves out in the endless rolling water, and they are content with virtually no toys! It's all about utilizing what's there. If only they acted this way all the time.

Watching Betsey yesterday for almost 3 straight hours in mighty high waves was so liberating. She wasn't thinking about anything except for whether the next wave was going to be bigger than the last... if she needed to get out, when was the perfect time to escape the next rolling thunderous wave? Should she jump with the next wave or dive in depending on where the break would be? Her mind was filled with thoughts that they should be. Kid stuff. Lots of screaming with excitement, tons of laughter as she and her sister bounced around in the surf, and oodles of other kids surrounding them enjoying the same feelings. If only summer were every day.

I enjoyed watching. I got in on some of the wave jumping/diving/scrambling! But I was always thinking... thinking about Betsey's blood sugar. Thinking about when she should get out and test. Thinking about keeping her high enough so a low blood sugar didn't creep up while she couldn't feel it in the water-the sensation of a low masked by the water and adrenaline. Thinking about how fast I could make a run for it into the pounding surf if a wave scrambled her and she had no energy to gather herself. Thinking about how nice it would be if I could just let her ... be. If only diabetes had a cure.

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