Saturday, June 6, 2009


Wow, I can't believe it's here!

This morning Amy & I went up (way early) to Quassy Amusement Park, the location of the HI, to pick up our packets, drop off our bikes, all that stuff....and we were like 3 hours early, no joke. Amy has this thing with being late, so she's always way early. And there's no talking her down about it, because then she throws in the whole, "OK, but I might get stressed out. Like really stressed out. I just don't feel good about that. Yea, no, that's not a good time....." So I usually agree to whatever time she says; it puts her at ease. When we went to Florida for the weekend a while ago, we sat around in the airport, both waiting to go, and waiting to come home for hours. Buuuut, better to be safe than sorry, right Aim?

So this morning we had hours to goof off. Literally goof off.
I have never seen so many port-a-potties in my life! There was a double row of these suckers! I have never had the privilege of using a fresh porta-potty - meaning, one no one has tainted yet. Lemme tell ya, you get a lot more splash when they're clean. Not fun.

This place was filled with people that are serious athletes. Serious. I should have had a pair of mom-jeans on. Talk about feeling intimidated! I did a lot of staring. If Speedo were there he would have been on me about that. Meghan, close your mouth. Meghan, stop staring. Hello Meghan?! The bikes these people were riding were unbelievable.

We shimmied into our wetsuits and hopped in the water for a practice swim. The water was delightful... about as cool as the reservoir, and I can honestly say, I am so glad we've done some open water before this. There were a few folks who hadn't and weren't even going to go in today. we swam a little more than half the course, not wanting to exert to much effort. Not like the pros who were riding the bike course for a warm up. The swim was great! About half way out to our turn around point, Amy was yelling for me-- a rainbow had appeared above the lake and was just.... there. It was so cool, kind of another sign - everything was going to be ok. And my number has an "8" in it-- always a good thing.

We got our packets, dropped our bikes in the transition area, which happen to be right next to each other, go figure, and we went to the mandatory meeting.

It was a good day. I am not nearly as nervous as I was this morning. The swim, the anticipation of the swim really gets me. But the practice one this morning made it feel good. We're ready!

You can track us online at We're both wearing gps thingies called trakkers that will give you locations of our whereabouts for the race. They may not be 100% accurate, but you'll get the general idea.

And we're off....

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