Wednesday, January 6, 2010

JDRF Ride 2010

It's January and a new set of training plans are tentatively in place for the upcoming years' event calendar for me! I received word from my friend Steve that the JDRF VT ride this year will most likely be in July, not August, and perhaps at a different location than last years. My children are so excited at the idea of going to VT again - that trip brings back such fond memories for them and myself alike.

As I look forward to this year, I have decisions to make about what events I'm going to be partaking in. I have to figure out which distance races are going to influence my training plans. I have settled on a marathon for sure!! Jen and I have committed to that and very much look forward to adding that to our list of accomplishments!

Amy has officially signed up for an Ironman, a FULL Ironman!! Her training has begun as of this week and all of her races this year will focus around prepping for that event. That is a 2 mile swim, a 112 mile bike and a marathon to finish! Unbelievable! I was concerned about the date of her event falling on the same weekend as my JDRF Ride for Betsey, but with the change to the ride being in July, looks like I'll be able to fly down to Kentucky and cheer her on and watch her cross that finish line! I can NOT wait for that!

As far as the JDRF ride goes, the fundraising is always a concern for me and I hope to look into a new way of raising the mandatory amount of $3000 to ride. I simply won't ask the same people who so generously donated to me last year -- did I mention that my total amount raised was $1000+ over my goal and I received a black Nike JDRF jacket to boot?!!

And this update wouldn't be complete without a word about Betsey, the reason this whole blog started. She's doing well. She recovered quickly from the swine flu that we all had a while back. I was so thankful it didn't react adversely with her and cause us any problems. I think Speedo had the worst go of it. Men when they are sick!
Betsey's schoolwork is continuing to shine; she enjoys the challenges her classes offer. She is still "forgetting" to test and/or bolus often while at school. The lunch time call with her blood sugar is often the first one I get for the day and it's usually high because she didn't test for snack or bolus for whatever she ate. Then she over-boluses for her lunch to compensate and ends up low later.

The eye rolling and heavy sighing from her is a given at any point of me mentioning proper care, and just recently, she's started more seriously protesting site change and sensor wearing. Obviously I have to put my foot down about the site change-- the sensor isn't mandatory, but it sure helps with nighttime readings and makes ME feel better.

I get a lot of, "In a minute..." or "Later..." when suggesting it's a good time to change it. Half the time she does it on her own, without any help from me, and half the time she wants me to do it. She admitted she wants me to have more influence with regard to "nagging" her about when to test, to change her site, reminders about good food choices - and even though she continues to argue with me when I do nag, she told me it's just too much for her sometimes. She'd rather have that load on me.

And that's fine.

If I could take it all I would.

We have clinic in a couple weeks. Her favorite visit! ;) Once again, I get butterflies thinking about it and wonder what that A1c will be with such loosey goosey control. We're still waiting on word about the Clinical Trial - no news yet.....

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